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Some of our most frequently asked questions...

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When will the Federal Government release industry wide expectations?

They already have! Legalization occurred 2018. Guidance released November 2021. Expected adoption no sooner then November 2022. Nationwide access predicted 2024.

How do I express my Right to Try?

Privately, with purpose and the support from elected politicians, and through the generosity of Purple Peace and Partners.

Will insurance cover my out of pocket costs?

NO but there are discount cards and programs like Novus Cannabis MedPlan offering nationwide coverage and discounts on everyday products - sign up today! Tell them Purple Peace sent you to receive up to 30% off products.

Do I need a prescription?

NO. Just a State issued, valid ID in most states. Botanical drugs from agriculture products are widely available and often 'recommended' vs. pharmaceutical drugs that require a prescription, physician and pharmacy. Each state has a list of approved providers and likely can help you with the cost. Today, certification office visits are at the expense of the patient and typical fees range from $150-$275. Your state-issues cards for an extra ($25-$150 annually).

How do I use it?

Start low and go slow. Each individual has unique needs. Explore and learn what your body seeks. Ask about the 6 ways to consume cannabis products until we fine the one that works for your lifestyle. You control how much is needed to find relief from your symptoms.

Where can I learn more about the health benefits of cannabis?

Online. From the office of physicians, providers, and pioneers in the space such as Purple Peace and GreenFlower Media

What products are best for my condition?

Cannabis. Period. Preference, placement and price determine delivery method i.e. tinctures, capsules, creams, salves, patches, sub-linguals, infused drinks and foods, vaporizers, etc.

Is Medical Cannabis Safe?

Yes. To be considered 'medical' - verify Clean Cultivated Cannabis Comes from Controlled Climates. Know marijuana products have THC levels over 1%. Hemp products are required to have THC levels at and below 0.3% THC delta 9.

How do I get medical marijuana legally?

From paying the required taxes and sourcing from a licensed retail store, similar to a pharmacy, defined as a Dispensary.

Live in Pennsylvania? Check out the Map of Dispensaries at the PA Department of Health.